Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Windows 10 blue screen of death page fault in nonpaged area free download.Fix Windows 10 error Page Fault In Nonpaged Area

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Windows 10 blue screen of death page fault in nonpaged area free download 


How to Fix the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Error in Windows 10.Solution 2: Disable Automatic Paging File Size Manager


Most critical errors in Windows 10 are the result of software faults or malfunctioning drivers. The error can also be attributed to Windows' mismanagement of the virtual memory. Thus, to eliminate this, users will have to diagnose both hardware and software faults.

If you've made any recent hardware changes to your computer, then it's worth checking to see whether everything was properly slotted in. Sometimes, new RAM sticks can be faulty, or even old ones may malfunction. Here are some things you can do to check the RAM. Remember to turn off our computer and disconnect all wiring from wall sockets before proceeding.

Faulty drivers can wreak havoc on your computer. That's why it's best to keep your drivers updated to the latest version. Sometimes these updates may be unstable, which can wreak havoc on your computer. In such cases, it's best to roll back to a previous version.

The Device Manager is by far the most effective way to keep your system drivers updated. The graphics drivers are found under Display adapters in the Device Manager, and the chipset drivers are found under System devices. As mentioned earlier, there are instances when new drivers may be unstable. This is how you can roll back recent updates using the Device Manager:. Windows usually manages the paging file size, but if it's causing your system to crash, it's best to disable it:.

Here's How to Fix It! If the PC works fine after a reboot, leave the settings as they are, but if the error persists, it's advisable to revert the changes and check the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives option. It's easy to use and highly effective. Here's how you can use it. Since there are endless possibilities as to what may be causing the error, it's recommended that you use both these utilities.

In this case, users should perform a clean boot to rule out third-party applications as the cause of this error. If the error is resolved, it means that a third-party application was causing the problem.

You should uninstall any recently installed applications to prevent this from happening in the future. If you have faulty hardware, double-check whether it is compatible with your PC and then get it replaced by an authorized service center. Manuviraj is a Features Writer at MakeUseOf and has been writing about video games and technology for over two years.

He is an avid gamer who also spends his free time burning through his favourite music albums and reading. Check the RAM If you've made any recent hardware changes to your computer, then it's worth checking to see whether everything was properly slotted in. If you are using two RAM sticks, try switching the slots. If you're using a single RAM chip, then remove any dust that may have accumulated. If the error doesn't appear, then it's the RAM that's faulty.

Try using one RAM slot only. Share Share Tweet Email. Manuviraj Godara Articles Published. Subscribe To Our Newsletter Join our newsletter for tech tips, reviews, free ebooks, and exclusive deals! Submit Loading One More Step…! Please confirm your email address in the email we just sent you. Why Is the Year of Ransomware. How to Design a Logo in 5 Simple Steps.


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